May 15, 2012


Let's dedicate the month of May to organizing garages.  

Garages have great space for storage but can be intimidating because you need a lot of resources to utilize the storage space like shelving, tubs, and hooks.  Don't get overwhelmed trying to do the whole thing at one, but devise a plan for the entire garage and then tackle sections at a time.

Decide what the space will be used for; parking your car, work shop, etc.
The Family Handyman
Create kits for different tasks and projects.  For example, a painting kit would consist of a large bin that stores your paint, brushes, painters tape, hole filler, stirrers, etc.  A car washing kit would consist of sponges, soap, squeegees, etc. You get the point!

Sports gear is a major issue in most garages.  Group all sporting goods together and then divide and conquer.  Keep loose balls in a basket, hang bat bags and golf bags, and create a box for other accessories.

The Container Store

Garages have a lot of vertical space, so utilize it by purchasing a tool system or a shelving unit.  I recommend The Container Store's Elfa system.  You can find similar products at Home Depot or Lowe's. See a before and after on utilizing vertical space.

Take organization into your car by organizing the trunk with these folding bins that keep your groceries, safety gear, and spare clothes tamed.

Photos courtesy of Google Images
Copyright 2012 Get It Together Professional Organizing

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