October 10, 2011

box lunch



As a new wife learning to cook for a hungry husband, I really envied this client's recipe collection.  She had years of acquired ideas for every meal of the day and tons of amazing holiday treats.  The only problem: an overwhelming number of papers made finding that ONE recipe a harder task than actually preparing the meal.
Simply taking the time to sort through all the recipes and categorize them into file folders was the solution.  This desktop file was perfect for easy access on a pantry shelf. 
For a recipe box this large, try main categories like HOLIDAYS, PRE-MEAL, and ENTREES, then add sub categories such as Thanksgiving, Salads, and Seafood. Enjoy!

Copyright 2011 Get It Together Professional Organizing

1 comment:

  1. i need to do this!!!! oh yeah, and learn how to cook... organize first, learn later. :)
